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Taco Inc.: Making Happy, Healthy Hearts
Our signature Butter Nut Munch helped Taco Inc., of Cranston, RI raise more funds for the American Heart Association. As part of their Wear Red for Women’s Heart Health Awareness fund raising efforts, Taco Inc. offered employees who donated $10.00 or more a free box of our signature Butter Nut Munch!
What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than to support healthy hearts!
“We are pleased to have been part of Taco Inc’s fundraising efforts for the American Heart Association,” said spokesperson and Marketing Director Mary Jo Finkenstaedt. “The Sisters of Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey share and esteem the commitment of the management and employees of Taco Inc. to charity and health/wholeness, as well as their dedication to sustainability.”
A special thank you to John Hazen White Jr., President of family owned Taco Inc., and his staff, notably Michele Verduchi, who arranged for our Butter Nut Munch to be part of the program!
We hope we made your Valentine’s Day sweeter!!! Happy Valentine’s Day to all –